As an elementary Spanish teacher, I’m always looking for simple ways to make classroom routines more efficient and engaging. After great feedback on my class agreements song, this year I created a new clean-up song using the “Baby Shark” tune. The familiar melody makes it easy for students to sing along, turning clean-up into a fun activity instead of a chore.
For the song, I use gestures with each of the words “A limpiar, a guardar, a ordenar, y se acabó” to help reinforce meaning and keep students engaged. The movements make the actions clearer, especially for young learners, and help them remember the routine.
The catchy rhythm gets everyone involved and helps transitions go smoothly. The kids stay excited, making the routine feel positive. If you’re looking for a simple way to make transitions more fun, try using a familiar song like this. It works!

I hope your students enjoy it!


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